Transition and Laterlife Matter is an established provider of Supported Living Services and Domiciliary Care in Haringey, Enfield and the surrounding communities, including other London Boroughs and Hertfordshire, Luton and Bedford.
Our services are delivered to adults and transitioning young adults from all backgrounds and allow you to develop and maximise your ability to live independently within your own home from 18 years old.
The support you receive is controlled by you, it is bespoke and tailored to your individual needs.
Depending on the type of support you receive from us, the support you can receive ranges from 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – on a full-time basis or it can be as little as one visit a week, it really does depend upon your needs and what you want support with.
You will have a person-centred plan that records what your goals are, and how we will work with you to help you achieve them.
We take a person-centred approach to support you, to enable you to work towards your goals and wishes. We tailor what we do and how we do it to suit each person’s specific needs.
You will be involved in developing and agreeing on your person-centred plan. Each person is individual, therefore everyone’s plan and the goals they want to achieve from our support need to be individual.
We spend time listening to you and understanding you as an individual. We learn what’s important to you, what your needs and wants are, and how you would like to live your life. Then we work closely with people who are important to you, such as family, and other professionals who can be involved in your person-centred plan.
A person-centred plan is a living document. We will review how things are going with your support and work with you to make better choices and achieve new goals. This means it is updated regularly as your needs or goals change.
Our support workers also regularly refer to your person-centred plan so that they can ensure we’re working together to provide consistent, appropriate support.
Whether receiving our Supported Living or Domiciliary Care Services, Transition and Laterlife Matter has a highly skilled team of dedicated and friendly staff. They are all passionate about the work that they do.
Support workers will support you to meet your goals and enable you to do the things you want to do. One of your support workers will become your key worker.
We are committed to developing, encouraging, and rewarding our employees, with a supportive network and ongoing training. Support workers have easy and direct access to our experienced management team for continual advice and support.
They receive regular supervision and observations, with regular feedback and opportunities to discuss the role. They can talk through any queries or concerns they have or discuss policies and procedures. We also discuss their ongoing training needs.
We understand, to continually provide high-quality care and best practice, our support workers need to feel appreciated, valued, and well trained.
We understand that people learn in different ways and, therefore, our training is delivered using various methods to ensure that we capture ways that suit all learning styles. This includes online, in-house, and externally sourced and selected training from specialist organisations.
All of our training is complemented by assessments of learning, which are marked to assess learning and understanding as well as competency assessments. This ensures employees are applying what they have learnt when they are delivering care and support. Assessments of learning and competency are signed off before individuals work alone.
The training our staff receive ensures they demonstrate the right skills, knowledge, and competencies to provide high quality, compassionate person-centred care to a wide range of people with differing and diverse needs.
A significant part of training with Transition and Laterlife Matter is the Induction programme, which is completed by all new support workers. QCF framework qualifications, with QCF Level 2 Health and Social Care is also a minimum requirement.
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